Revolutionizing a Non-Profit Organization with Advanced Solutions

Challenges Faced by the Non-Profit Organization: 

A pioneering philanthropic Non-Profit Organization in the Newyork faced many challenges common in the sector. Managing investments, tracking milestones, and monitoring overall performance required a robust system. The organization also needed insightful data visualizations and analytics for better decision-making. Regular system maintenance and strategic enhancements were essential to meet evolving requirements. Additionally, seamless communication and data integration across platforms were necessary to streamline operations and improve efficiency.


Solutions Implemented:

To address these challenges, we deployed several advanced solutions:

  • Grantee Portal Development: 

We engineered a robust Grantee portal using ASP.NET MVC, integrated with a backend CRM system. This portal was designed to manage investments, track milestones, and monitor revenues, outcomes, and overall performance. This system streamlined operations and provided a centralized platform for all grantee-related activities. 

  • Reporting Solutions: 

We crafted comprehensive Grant Payable and Geography Data Reports utilizing SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS). These reports provided insightful data visualizations and analytics, enabling better financial tracking and strategic decision-making. 

  • System Maintenance & Enhancements:  

We performed regular maintenance and strategic enhancements of the CRM system, SharePoint, and the Grantee portal. These efforts were tailored to meet the evolving needs of the non-profit organization, ensuring the systems remained up-to-date and fully functional. 

  • Slack Integration: 

We successfully integrated Slack with Dynamics 365 Sales, establishing an automated system for seamless posting of messages from Slack to Dynamics 365. This integration improved communication and data sharing across the organization. 

  • Power BI Customization: 

We developed bespoke Power BI dashboards and reports, offering customized analytical insights for various funding streams. These dashboards provided the non-profit organization with critical data to analyze performance and make informed decisions. 

  • SharePoint & Power Apps Portal Integration: 

We seamlessly integrated SharePoint with Power Apps Portal to enhance user experience and data accessibility. This integration ensured that users could easily access and manage data across platforms. 

  • REDI Survey Implementation: 

We created an advanced REDI Survey using sophisticated forms within the Power Apps Portal. This survey captured and analyzed respondent data effectively, providing valuable insights for the organization. 

  • Compensation Management Power App: 

We developed a dynamic Power App designed to calculate incentives, salary raises, scenario planning for new hires, benefits, and total compensation packages. This app streamlined compensation management processes and provided accurate calculations. 


The Results 

The implementation of these solutions yielded significant results for the non-profit organization: 

  • The robust Grantee portal streamlined investment management, milestone tracking, and performance monitoring, improving overall operational efficiency. 
  • The comprehensive reporting solutions provided insightful data visualizations and analytics, aiding in better financial tracking and decision-making. 
  • Regular maintenance and strategic enhancements ensured that the CRM system, SharePoint, and Grantee portal remained up-to-date and fully functional. 
  • The integration of Slack with Dynamics 365 Sales enhanced communication and data sharing across the organization. 
  • Bespoke Power BI dashboards offered customized analytical insights, allowing for in-depth analysis of various funding streams. 
  • The integration of SharePoint with Power Apps Portal improved data accessibility and user experience.
  • The advanced REDI Survey captured and analyzed respondent data effectively, providing valuable insights. 
  • The Compensation Management Power App streamlined processes and provided accurate calculations for incentives, salary raises, and total compensation packages.  


